Wednesday, July 16, 2008

J's Home again July 15, 2008

I had such a wonderful time with Cher and her little family.

Our new little Sarah looks just like her beautiful mommy.

The first Sunday I held her nearly all day, then the next day,
and the next,and the next. Sometime during the week I

complained to Cher that I had a stiff neck. She had no

sympathy at all for me. She said all I do is hold the baby

and stare stare at her all day.

Now can you see why all I wanted to do was hold these two beautiful dolls. And whats more is

that I was healthy the whole time I was there. All I really need in life is my wonderful husband,

my wonderful kids, and all my beautiful grandchildren.


Cher said...

I love that last pic. When did you snap that one? E-mail it to me!!!
Had a blast while you were here! We miss you!!!!!

Our Household said...

I went to change my blog layout and I got it all set up and finished 30 min of my time spent. Than I check out your blog and low and behold you have the same layout. So another 30 min to change it again. =)

Yours looked better anyways.

Rashell said...

Who ever took those pictures should be a professional. Those are definatly not like the pictures I take. As for the battle of the layouts I don't even know how to change mine. :)

Cher said...

Hey I tagged you read my blog